Monday, August 15, 2016

Resist the Devil and He Will Flee (Excerpt from "Things I've Learned From the Word")

Peer pressure is something that we will all have to deal with, especially when we are believers and we associate with individuals who are not, or who might not believe on the same level as us. There will be times when our friends or relatives will attempt to get us to do things that we should not be doing, or go places that we should be going, but we have to have strength enough to not allow them to get us to do things that would not be pleasing to God. In essence, we should behave as if God is watching because he always is. 

There was a time in my life when, shortly after my mother had passed away, I had just become a legal adult, and I was trying to figure out life on my own. I had never gotten involved with smoking, drugs or drinking, and everyone close to me knew this. However, one day, someone close to me was smoking marijuana in my presence, and asked me if I wanted to participate. When I stated that I did not wish to, their response to me was that I should try it so that once I was alone in the world, and someone tried to pass off some artificial or harmful marijuana to me, I would be able to know the difference, as if it was a forgone conclusion that at some point, I would become a weed smoker just as they were. Fortunately for me, even though I did not have a relationship with God at that point in my life, I had the strength to refuse that person again, and through the grace of God, I can say that I have still never gotten involved with any substance habits. 

What we need to remember is that if we give in to temptation, or if we simply just say no to the occasion of the temptation, the devil will continue to follow us. If someone attempts to tempt a believer into doing something that goes against their beliefs, there is a difference between saying “no” and meaning “no”. If someone offers a non-smoker a cigarette, the non-smoker can say “no”, but the smoker could interpret that to mean “not right now” or “not today”. However, if the non-smoker replies with “no thanks, I don’t smoke” or “no, smoking can kill you”, then there is no way that the smoker can confuse the response with there being a chance that the non-smoker might smoke in the future. 

The same can be said regarding peer pressure and sex. If a young man is trying to pressure a young girl into having sex, or if a group of people is trying to coerce a person into having sex because ‘everyone else is doing it’, the person being tempted can simply say “no”, but as before, the answer could be interpreted as “not right now”, “not today”, or “not in front of all of you”. However, if the response is something along the lines of “the bible says that sex outside of marriage is a sin, and since my soul matters to God, it matters to me also”, then there is no way that this response could be confused for anything else. The point of this is that we must turn back temptation and live according to the will and the word of God.

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