Thursday, May 25, 2017

Live Like a Child

Recently, I was in a shop where I needed to pick up some merchandise. The usual procedure here is that I have placed an order, and then I go to the shop, tell them about my order, they bring it to me, and then I sign for it and take it away. Anyway, when I arrived at this shop, there was a little girl there with her father and the girl couldn’t have been more than three or four years old. As soon as the little girl saw me, she greeted me with a very pleasant “hello”, and then, knowing that I would have to sign for my order, she reached up onto the counter in the shop and gave me a pen.

This interaction started me thinking that if more people lived and behaved like children, the world would be a much better place. Now, I am not referring to running around out of control in the name of playing, putting foreign objects into our mouths, and screaming and crying when we don’t get what we want or are told “no”. I’m talking about being pleasant as often as possible, being friendly with perfect strangers, and doing things for people because it is necessary without asking for anything in return. 

Clearly, not every child behaves like this little girl. Many children are either too shy to say “hello” to strangers, and many might not yet be able to grasp the idea of giving someone a pen because they know that the person will need to sign something. However, small children seldom behave maliciously towards others, and are usually less inhibited towards strangers than adults. Small children also nearly always have positive attitudes and are in good moods unless something is bothering them. People need to be happier, more pleasant and more helpful towards others. In other words, people need to be more like children and the world would be a better place.

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